Archive: November 23, 2023

Using an Online Pharmacy

An online pharmacy may also be affiliated with your neighborhood pharmacy. An online pharmacy may also be an affiliate of your local pharmacy and drugstore. In the US a pharmacy that dispenses drugs by prescription will sometimes have an affiliate that is located in another country where you can get your prescriptions filled cheaper than in the US. Your local pharmacy will refer your prescription to this online pharmacy or affiliate pharmacy and you will get your prescriptions filled often at a much lower cost. There are pharmacies which are located in other countries that advertise online which you can access. To find an online pharmacy all you would have to do is perform a web search and you will find pages of these pharmacies that sell medications online. All you have to do is choose which one you like and you can get them your prescription either by fax or perhaps by scanning it on your computer.

Some of these pharmacies may require that you get them the original prescription which in some cases has to come directly form the prescribing doctor’s office but some will let you mail them in or some may let you fax them in. Of course this is to protect the pharmacy in case your prescription is fraudulent it has nothing to do with protecting you. There are many myths about pharmacies that operate online one of which is that they will charge you more money. But all you have to do is to compare the cost of a prescription from a store pharmacy and then go online and check those prices so you can compare them. Don’t forget when you research the online prices you have to take into account any shipping costs, medication fees, order fees, account set up fees or even online consultation fees may be applied. So you do have to pay attention when you order anything online not just prescription drugs when you do these comparisons. But also remember that when you drive to a store to pick up prescriptions you also have to include the cost of the gas to get there.

In some remote areas it may just be more cost effective to order online and forget that drive in the snow into another larger city to get those medications that your local druggist just cannot stock as it would cost them too much money to do so. Another myth is that if your order online you may not get what you ordered. Well as with any online website you do have to make sure your payment information is secure. There are various ways to do so such as some sites offer PayPal or other payment sites. Generally if the site has that little gold or silver lock in the corner of your screen you generally can be sure your information is safe. Of course by ordering online no one has to see you actually turning in the script and then picking it up so you are also assured of a privacy factor there.